Fun Facts About Orthodontics

If you hear the term orthodontics and immediately groan, this one’s for you! Sure, this term is really all about braces or other methods to help straighten teeth, but it’s really so much more than that. It’s a fascinating field that has a rich history and even some surprising tidbits you may not know.
Whether you’re wearing braces, considering aligners, or just curious about orthodontics in general, check out some of these fun and lesser-known facts. We hope it brightens your day a little!
1. Ancient History in Orthodontics
Did you know that access to braces in Pitman NJ is not just some modern invention? In fact, braces and other forms of orthodontics have been around since ancient Egypt. As archaeologists dig and research, they have discovered evidence that ancient Egyptians used similar methods for their teeth.
Mummies have been discovered that had crude metal bands wrapped around their teeth. The digs have revealed the use of catgut, which is a natural fiber, being used to tighten the braces found on those mummies. While much has changed since these methods in ancient Egypt, it’s impressive to know just how long they have been around.
2. Braces Have a Long History
While we have seen evidence of something similar to braces used in ancient Egypt, there is a long gap between that and the use of modern braces. That being said, they still have a long history that might impress you.
In 1728, a French dentist by the name of Pierre Fauchard created a method of braces that started it all. He was often known as the Father of Dentistry because of his contribution to the field. His creation of braces were flat metal strips that were connected using thread.
This method was used for a long time and it was in the early 20th century that the modern brackets and wires method started to be used.
3. The Space Between Your Teeth Has a Name
You know that gap between your teeth that you really don’t like? It has an official title. You’re likely looking at orthodontics to help close that gap, among other things, but it’s interesting to know there is an official word used.
This gap between teeth is called a diastema. Some people choose to embrace their diastema while others choose to use braces or similar treatments to help close the gap. The choice is yours!
4. Teeth Have Memory
Did you know that your teeth have memory? At your next visit to Dr. Steven Cohen, try asking him why a retainer is so important after going through orthodontics and see what he says. His answer may tell you something similar, but maybe you can impress him with your knowledge!
The reason this is so important is because your teeth remember. They often naturally try to shift back to their original positions because of their memory. The retainer is meant to help keep them in place and keep all that hard work of braces intact so your teeth don’t shift back.
5. Orthodontics Aren’t Just for Looks
If you think that people go through ortho treatments like braces or aligners just because they want to look good, think again. Sure, there are often some visual and aesthetic reasons that people do get braces, but there is usually more to it.
While you might want braces to fix a crooked tooth or close a gap, your orthodontist is going to be looking further than just those cosmetic benefits. The truth is that braces and other solutions are actually meant for functionality too. When misaligned teeth are corrected, this can help improve chewing, speech, and even jaw pain or headaches caused by misalignment.
6. Braces are Good for Overall Health
Braces can significantly improve your overall dental health. Think about it like this. If you have teeth that are crooked and hiding behind other teeth, is it harder to get them cleaned well? Straight teeth are easier to clean properly and remove all that gunk that likes to reside on our teeth.
Braces help to straighten teeth and in doing so it can help to reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities. These treatments can improve oral hygiene and that supports overall health too.
7. Braces and World Records
Did you know there is a world record for the most braces ever worn? According to Guinness World Records, one man wore 11 sets of braces on his teeth simultaneously. He holds that record and it’s going to be a hard one to beat!
8. Aligners Were Invented in the 1940s
Many of us see aligners as a fairly new invention, but did you know they were actually invented in the 1940s by an orthodontist named Harold Kesling? Harold developed a removable appliance that was called a tooth positioner at that time. Modern technology has greatly improved aligners.
9. Space-Age Material
Did you know the wire used in braces is typically made of a material that is nickel-titanium? While this may not sound significant, you should know this material was originally developed by NASA. It was chosen for orthodontics because it is heat activated and helps to maintain constant pressure on the teeth.
10. Bites are More Unique Than Fingerprints
We all know fingerprints are quite unique and often used as an identifying feature. But what most people don’t know is that their bite is even more unique. There are no two bites that are exactly the same and your dental alignment is unique to you. This is why orthodontists have to closely study your bite and your teeth to create customized plans specifically for your needs.
Final Thoughts
Orthodontics are fascinating and they hold a fun mixture of science, history, and even artistry. Your smile is a wonderful and unique thing and this type of treatment only supports that. We hope you’ve enjoyed these fun facts and maybe even learned something new today.
We would love to hear your fun facts if you have any! Share them in the comments.